We lost electrical power as of Thursday 12/11.
Stayed in a hotel for 3 days.
Regained electrical power 12/14.
The clean up to our property has been none stop.
500,000 locals lost power. Over 250,000 still have no power.
Banks, supermarkets, library, post office -all without power until 12/13 or 12/14. The last time we lost power was 10 yrs ago approx 5 days and only 50,000 locals were affected. Imagine the current magnitude!
During the day we worked on our land cleaning debri and such. It will take weeks to clean our property.... we'll do al ittle at a time -weather permitting. Our son's school is closed tomorrow as the devastation throughout our town has been severe.
We're exhausted/tired, though extremely thankful to be safe and our home did not recv any structual damage.
We recvd power today and haven't gone through emails, I will do so tomorrow and will work on orders as best I can.... I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

main electrical wire detached from our home
tree which detached the main electrical wire from our home

driveway entrance

backyard damage
more driveway tree damage
a few houses from our home